Score Reports

Eligible Lists

Score reports are posted for applicable examinations for miscellaneous classes in accordance with Civil Service Rules 111A, 112, 411A and 412. The scores and ranks achieved and number of individuals at each rank are listed in order of total scores. No names appear on examination score reports.

Eligible Lists are posted in accordance with Civil Service Rules 212 and 312 for Uniformed Ranks of the Police and Fire Departments. The names of candidates passing all phases of an examination are placed on the eligible list in the order of total scores; candidates who have tied scores are listed in alphabetical order.

Type of Post: Score Report
List ID Class & Job Title
150880 0922 - Manager I
C00183 1241 - Human Resources Analyst
C00184 1244 - Senior Human Resources Analyst
138802 2520 - Morgue Attendant
H000123 2589 - Health Program Coordinator I
H000124 2591 - Health Program Coordinator II
C00197 7334 - Stationary Engineer
U00031 7372 - Stationary Engineer Sewage Plant
152014 0932 - Manager IV
C00096 1043 - IS Engineer-Senior (Security)
C00185 1820 - Junior Administrative Analyst
C00196 1844 - Senior Management Assistant
H00013 2409 - Pharmacy Technician
H00046 2450 - Pharmacist
H00047 2454 - Clinical Pharmacist
C00312 4321 - Cashier II
904100 8504 - Deputy Sheriff (SFERS)
C00194 1840 - Junior Mangement Assistant
C00195 1842` - Management Assistant
H00083 2320 - Registered Nurse - Experienced Nurses
Type of Post: Eligible List
List ID Class & Job Title
X00018 Q002 - Police Officer Lateral