Employee Relations

The Department of Human Resources’ Employee Relations Division is responsible for developing and managing good working relationships with organized labor, and establishing a uniform and orderly method of communications between employee organizations and the City. Our responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • negotiating collective bargaining agreements;
  • conducting meet and confers on matters that fall within the scope of representation;
  • administering the provisions of all labor contracts, including implementing both economic and non-economic provisions;
  • providing contractual interpretation and advice to department heads and managers;
  • managing, investigating and resolving employee and union grievances;
  • conducting basic labor transactions, such as implementing agency shop provisions, determining bargaining unit assignments and reviewing unfair labor practice charges.


Charter Sections Related to Impasse Procedures
Miscellaneous Employees: A8.409-4
Public Safety Employees: A8.590-5




Employee Relations
(415) 557-4990