Score Reports

Eligible Lists

Score reports are posted for applicable examinations for miscellaneous classes in accordance with Civil Service Rules 111A, 112, 411A and 412. The scores and ranks achieved and number of individuals at each rank are listed in order of total scores. No names appear on examination score reports.

Eligible Lists are posted in accordance with Civil Service Rules 212 and 312 for Uniformed Ranks of the Police and Fire Departments. The names of candidates passing all phases of an examination are placed on the eligible list in the order of total scores; candidates who have tied scores are listed in alphabetical order.

Type of Post: Score Report

Week of 29 July 2019

List ID Class Number & Job Title
902940 5201 - Junior Engineer Mechanical Engineering
902941 5201 - Junior Engineer Transportation Engineering
902942 5203 - Assistant Engineer Civil Engineering
902943 5203 - Assistant Engineer Electrical Engineering
902944 5203 - Assistant Engineer Environmental Engineering
095617 1823 - Senior Administrative Analyst
903311 2830 - Public Health Nurse
094659 0931 - Manager III AMD
096413 3556 - Museum Registrar
095314 0923 - Manager II
