The health, wellness, and safety of City employees are critical to providing high-quality services to the public. While COVID-19 continues to spread in our communities, infection rates have significantly decreased. Over 90% of San Francisco residents and 98% of City employees have been vaccinated against COVID-19. At the time it was issued, the vaccination mandate was reasonable, necessary, and based on the best available science. With this success in mind and considering factors that contributed to a decline in severity of COVID-19, such as the broad vaccination adoption by City employees and San Franciscans, the ease of rapid testing, and wide availability of treatment, vaccination as a condition of employment is now no longer needed except as otherwise required in specific settings.

Effective August 23, 2023, the City’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy ended. Some City employees may still be required to be vaccinated if required by other federal, state, or local requirements. Currently, pursuant to Health Officer Health Order No. 2023-02, personnel working in designated healthcare facilities and jails— must receive either

  1. The initial series of vaccination plus at least any one booster dose or
  2. A single dose of the current vaccine formulation.

The City continues to recommend that all employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent death or serious illness and that they receive at least one dose of the current vaccine formulation.

Where to get a COVID-19 Vaccination

Vaccines are widely available and are still free of charge. You may schedule a vaccination through your usual healthcare provider, pharmacy, or other retail location. To find and book a vaccine near you, please visit for easily accessible locations.

Questions on the vaccine? COVID-19 FAQs

Masking Requirements

  • Masking is required for 10 days for all employees who test positive for COVID, whether they have symptoms or are asymptomatic.
  • Masking is required of all employees for 10 days after close contact with someone with COVID (close contact means being in shared airspace with someone who has COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes over 24 hours).
  • Masking is required for at least 14 days at work when there is a workplace outbreak (meaning the occurrence of 3 cases in 7 days at a worksite).
  • Employees are welcome to continue to mask if they prefer, though it is not required. Other employees are prohibited from harassing or discriminating against employees or members of the public who chose to wear a mask at City workplaces.

General COVID-19 Prevention

The following is a list of guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Practice regular hand hygiene, including regular cleaning of your workspace.
  • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Improve ventilation in living and workspaces when possible.
  • Follow the CDC recommendations for what to do if you have been exposed.
  • Stay home if you have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 or if you have any illness that might be contagious.
  • Seek treatment if you have COVID and are at high risk of getting very sick.
  • Avoid contact with people who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

Additionally, employees should continue to do a daily health check before coming to work to see if they are free of symptoms . If an employee suspects they have any symptoms of COVID-19, they should perform a rapid test to see if they are positive.

COVID-19 Testing, Screening, and Response

Isolation for COVID-19 infection changed from a time-based isolation requirement (minimum of 5 days) to a symptom-based requirement. Isolate for a minimum of 24 hours from the day of symptom onset. COVID cases may return to work if 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of fever reducing medication, AND their symptoms are mild and improving. Asymptomatic employees may continue to work but must stay masked for 10 days.