Duration: 2 Half Days

Cost: Contact Workforce Development for pricing for department groups

Target Audience: For intact, functioning team ready to invest considerable time and energy into doing a deeper level of exploration to improve their teamwork

Instructor: Ishani Baruah

How will teams benefit?

  • Work more effectively together by exploring trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and results within your team
  • Identify specific areas where your team is functioning well, and areas that can be improved
  • Collaboratively develop action steps to strengthen team functioning; receive a 6-month follow up report to assess team’s progress

Course Description:

This program utilizes a team-building model popularized by Patrick Lencioni in the New York Times bestselling book, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”. Participants take an assessment, which combines questions from the Everything DiSC assessment tool combined with team survey and a team culture questions. Participants receive individualized reports, and a team culture report. Participants then work through the Five Behaviors Model, which includes modules on trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and results. This workshop works best for teams that are ready for a deeper level of exploration to improve their teamwork and work more effectively together. The length of this program is customizable, depending on the goals of the group, and is generally one to two days in length.

What participants are saying:

(The course) started the dialogue of us coming together to listen.
It offered us engaging and practical steps to improve on team behavior.
The class was a success and we are certainly interested in getting the rest of the supervisors and managers through.

Upcoming Dates

Available by request for departmental groups