Click on the list of auto-enrolled online training requirements that all employees will be required to complete for the 2024 calendar year.
- To access online trainings in SF Learning, employees can follow directions provided
- Access SF Learning
The Department of Human Resources helps employees learn about City policies, procedures, expectations, and priorities through creation and dissemination of eLearning modules. These online trainings are free and available at any time for employees to access through SF Learning, the City’s learning management system. Some trainings are targeted for the entire City workforce. Other trainings are targeted for a specific audience, such as trainings geared for supervisors and managers.
The sections below list all available DHR citywide online trainings for employees.
Citywide Online Trainings:
Training for All City Employees
Citywide Onboarding (30 minutes):
Required during onboarding
Disaster Service Worker Training (10 minutes):
Required during onboarding
Bystander Training (11 minutes):
Required every other calendar year
Cybersecurity Training (up to 60 minutes):
Required annually every fiscal year
Equitable, Fair, and Respectful Workplace (35 minutes):
Required every calendar year
Harassment Prevention Training (1-hour):
Required every other calendar year for non-supervisory classifications
Introduction to Implicit Bias (26 minutes):
Recommended for all City employees
Telecommuting for Employees ("Is Telecommuting an Option for Me?"):
Required for all employees who will telecommute
Transgender 101 (30 minutes):
Required every other calendar year
Whistleblower Program Training (5 minutes):
Required during onboarding and annually every calendar year for all employees
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (19 minutes):
Required every calendar year
Training for Supervisors and Managers
Cybersecurity Training for Supervisors (up to 20 minutes):
Required annually every Fiscal Year for all classifications with supervisory designations
Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors, Managers, and Leads (2-hours):
Required every other calendar year for all classifications with supervisory designations
Introduction to Implicit Bias (26 minutes):
Required every other calendar year for all classifications with supervisory designations
Telecommuting for Supervisors ("Managing a Telecommuting Employee") (17 minutes):
Required for supervisors who will manage a telecommuting employee
Whistleblower Protections - Supervisor Duties (5 minutes):
Required by April annually for all classifications with supervisory designations
Training for HR Professionals
Fairness in Hiring (23 minutes):
Mandatory every year for all hiring personnel and interview panelists
HR Essentials:
Highly recommended for all HR professionals
Training for Other Audiences
Disaster Service Worker Orientation (20 minutes):
For employees assigned to COVID-19 DSW work
Core Interactive Ethics and Sunshine Training (1 hour):
Required for Deputy Directors and employees who have responsibilities for contracting and/or purchasing within six months of assuming position, and every two years thereafter
Ethics Training and Sunshine Ordinance Training (1 hour):
Required within 30 days of assuming office and annually by April 1st for City officials, department heads, and commissioners who are required to file the annual Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) directly with the Ethics Commission, by using its Netfile system
*Fairness in Hiring (23 minutes):
Mandatory every year for all interview panelists (employees and external panelists)
*Introduction to Implicit Bias (26 minutes):
Required for all Commissioners within 60 days of assuming office; and every five years
*For non-City employees who do not have access to SF Learning, contact to request a direct training link.
HR Professionals can view a comprehensive list of citywide training requirements in the HR eLibrary Workforce Development page, under the Workplace Online Trainings section.
Online Trainings are created by DHR's Workforce Development Division.
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