Score Reports

Eligible Lists

Score reports are posted for applicable examinations for miscellaneous classes in accordance with Civil Service Rules 111A, 112, 411A and 412. The scores and ranks achieved and number of individuals at each rank are listed in order of total scores. No names appear on examination score reports.

Eligible Lists are posted in accordance with Civil Service Rules 212 and 312 for Uniformed Ranks of the Police and Fire Departments. The names of candidates passing all phases of an examination are placed on the eligible list in the order of total scores; candidates who have tied scores are listed in alphabetical order.

Week of 19 November 2018

List ID Class & Job Title
901867 7514 - General Laborer
087995 0941 - Manager VI-Deputy Assistant General Manager
091239 1053 - IS Business Analyst-Senior
900422 2320 - Registered Nurse
902786 2905 - HSA Senior Eligibility Worker
902803 2940 - Protective Services Worker
088684 0931 - Manager III, Deputy Director, Office of Compliance and Privacy Affairs
089822 0931 - Manager III, Communications and Technologies Project Manager
084435 1824 - Principal Administrative Analyst
090751 5638 - Environmental Assistant

Week of 12 November 2018

List ID Class & Job Title
089248 0933 - Manager V-Chief Information Security Officer-AMD
900403 2320 - Registered Nurse
090583 0922 - Manager I-Continuous Quality Improvement Manager
089137 0923 - Manager II-Property Tax Manager
087460 0943 - Manager VIII-Project Management Bureau-AMD
900425 2320 - Registered Nurse
902805 2944 - Protective Services Supervisor
084350 4337 - Principal Investigator, Tax Collector
085508 7229 - Transmission Line Supervisor I
083209 0941 - Manager VI-Planning and Performance Manager
NETENG 1041 - Assistant Networks Engineer-Entry Level
SECENG 1041 - Assistant Security Engineer-Entry Level
SYSENG 1041 - Assistant Systems Engineer-Entry Level
APPENG 1041 - Assistant Applications Engineer-Entry-Level
APPENG 1042 - Applications Engineer-Journey Level
NETENG 1042 - Networks Engineer-Journey Level
APPENG 1043 - Senior Applications Engineer-Senior Level
NETENG 1043 - Senior Networks Engineer-Senior Level
SECENG 1043 - Senior Security Engineer-Senior Level
APPENG 1044 - Principal Applications Engineer-Principal Level
087304 2615 - School Lunchroom Helper Exam
087507 2616 - Lead Student Nutrition Worker Exam
902837 7311 - Cement Mason

Week of 05 November 2018

List ID Class & Job Title
088731 0931 - Manager III-Grants Manager-AMD
902387 1929 - Parts Storekeeper
902801 2914 - Social Work Supervisor
088707 0922 - Manager I-Patient Accounts Manager
081546 0923 - Manager II-Deputy Communications Director-Operations-AMD
902805 2944 - Protective Services Supervisor
073973 5602 - Utility Specialist-Regulatory Affairs
085352 5602 - Utility Specialist-Energy Scheduling and Settlements-AMD
902975 0931 - Manager III-Employee & Labor Relations Manager
087460 0943 - Manager VIII, Project Management Bureau
088414 1326 - Customer Service Agent Supervisor
902544 2593 - Health Program Coordinator III
902787 2907 - Eligibility Worker Supervisor
902811 7524 - Institution Utility Worker
902836 8173 - Legal Assistant

Week of 29 October 2018

List ID Class & Job Title
088099 0931 - Reimbursement Manager III
089248 0933 - Chief Information Security Officer
090112 1070 - IS Applications Project Manager
903007 7204 - Chief Water Service Inspector
088731 0931 - Manager III-Grants Manager
076402 1070 - IS Project Director-Convergent Technologies Supervisor
088572 2548 - Occupational Therapist
902539 2586 - Health Worker II - Interpreter Services
901331 2454 - Clinical Pharmacist
088805 4331 - Security Analyst-ESG Investment Analyst
089970 8602 - Emergency Services Coordinator II
081546 0923 - Manager II - Deputy communications Director-Operations
SECENG 1041 - Assistant Security Engineer
NETENG 1041 - Assistant Networks Engineer
APPENG 1041 - Assistant Applications Engineer
SYSENG 1041 - Assistant Systems Engineer
SYSENG 1042 - Systems Engineer
APPENG 1042 - Assistant Applications Engineer
SYSENG 1043 - Senior Systems Engineer
APPENG 1043 - Senior Applications Engineer

Week of 22 October 2018

Week of 15 October 2018

List ID Class & Job Title
088502 1054 - IS Business Analyst-Principal
082988 9206 - Airport Property Specialist I
902823 2424 - Diagnostic Imaging Assistant
087893 2618 - Food Service Supervisor
902826 2822 - Health Educator
089186 1823 - Senior Administrative Analyst
901021 2468 - Diagnostic Imaging Tech II
NETENG 1041 - Assistant Networks Engineer-Entry Level
SYSENG 1041 - Assistant Systems Engineer-Entry Level
APPENG 1041 - Assistant Applications Engineer-Entry Level
SYSENG 1042 - Systems Engineer-Journey Level
APPENG 1042 - Applications Engineer-Journey Level
NETENG 1042 - Networks Engineer-Journey Level
APPENG 1043 - Senior Applications Engineer
088327 1820 - Junior Administrative Analyst
