
Spring 2025 CCSF and MEA Leadership & Change Management Program - Nomination period for program dates of February through March will open in January through updated announcements.

Program Overview

Leadership & Change Management aims to develop City leaders’ mindsets and skill sets around leading change.  During the program, leaders will receive tools and strategies around change management, including analysis of case studies presented by City leaders, participate in leadership support groups to discuss and apply the course content to their own leadership context, and problem-solve change management situations together.

In addition, leaders in the program will reflect on areas of strength and growth in their leadership through completion of a DiSC leadership self-assessment and work with experts to assess their personal change management.

Workshops will focus on these change leadership topics:

  • Self-assessment as a change leader
  • Vision & strategy
  • Implementation with equitable outcomes

Participating leaders will also identify a Change Project they will be responsible for leading, or co-leading and begin implementing within their unit or department in 2024. The project can be in any stage of implementation: 1. Preparation 2. Early Stages 3. Mid-Stage (space permitting, projects can be in the planning stage).

Program Description and Schedule

Each program workshop meets for multiple sessions, so participants can think through key concepts to apply to their own change projects and get feedback from their cohort colleagues. Below is a list of workshop topics with the schedule. Sessions will be offered in person at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th floor as well as virtually via Zoom:

Welcome Orientation & Leadership Assessment - In Person Session
Participants will get to know their fellow cohort members and their change projects and participate in a DiSC Work of Leaders self-assessment to identify strengths and areas for growth. This information will be discussed throughout the change management program.
Vision & Strategy Part 1 & Part 2 - Virtual Sessions
The workshop series begins with an examination of the question, “What does it take to lead change strategically and effectively within the City and County of San Francisco?” Leaders will hear from experienced City leaders on how to create a vision with external and internal stakeholders, and align with common values, mission and goals. Leaders will also discuss strategies for affecting change, including engaging our people, crossing department boundaries, and focusing on results in our complex public sector. Vision and strategy must be viewed through the lens of equity and based on data and data analysis.
Implementation with Equitable Outcomes Part 1 & Part 2 - Virtual Sessions
After development of vision and strategy, City leaders are challenged with implementation. How do we lead change with a focus on people, processes, systems, and technology? Decision making in change management projects will be reviewed through the lens of equity and we will hear from City Leaders about engagement strategies that help increase accountability and ensure the equitable distribution of services to our communities.
Reflections and Graduation - In Person
Participants will share their takeaways from the 5 sessions and will present their change project in light of the new learnings. Managers/Sponsors will be invited to attend the graduation in person in the afternoon.

The Cohort Experience

Leaders will have the opportunity to develop relationships with other City leaders. The following program components will allow cohort members to support one another throughout the program and beyond:

Case Studies:

Leaders will hear stories from other City Leaders about the challenges and successes of implementing change initiatives in the City. Leaders will analyze case studies, ask questions, and learn from executives and managers who have implemented change within City departments.

Leadership Support Groups:

The Leadership program brings together diverse leaders that represent a variety of City departments. This diversity of leadership perspectives enhances learning through peer-to-peer support groups and structured opportunities to share change project plans. Leaders will reflect on leadership challenges and share effective leadership strategies and practices with peers.

Program Requirements

An MEA City manager/supervisor or an unrepresented manager/supervisor may be nominated by their department, by MEA or by self-nomination. Nominee requirements are:

  1. Completion of a basic supervision program with 24 hours. (24 Plus or equivalent programs, including programs offered at AIR, GSA, HSA, or PUC).
  2. MEA-represented manager, or unrepresented manager (an unrepresented manager is typically an executive level manager that is not represented by any union) with direct reports.
  3. Responsible for leading a unit or department change project in calendar year 2024, or co-leading as part of a change project lead team.
  4. Applications will be considered in the order they are received. (Only complete applications will be reviewed).
  5. Space is limited. We are unlikely to accept every applicant into cohort.

Program Cost

The full cost of the program is covered by a joint agreement between MEA and DHR. Departments may be charged the full cost of the program if a departmental participant is absent from any portion of the program.

Departmental Support

Department managers will be asked to work with participants to create a plan for covering the participant’s work on training days. Managers are also expected to meet periodically with the participant to discuss applying what they are learning on the job. The importance of departmental support for the participating leader cannot be emphasized enough.

Technical Support

Facilitator-led sessions will be held in person as well as via Zoom, an interactive online platform that uses both video and audio features. Accessible equipment is mandatory for the program. Please ensure training is in a private space, as potentially confidential information is discussed. If a private space is not available, use of a headset with microphone function is highly encouraged.

How to Apply

Certain departments have established an internal review process for nominations, so please contact your manager for more information prior to submitting the nomination form (see above).

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a manager, but I am not in MEA. Can you I still attend?

The program was developed as a result of an agreement between the Municipal Executives Association and the Department of Human Resources. Funding for the program is part of the contract negotiated for MEA members. Therefore, at this time, only MEA members are eligible. (Non-represented managers, who are not represented by any union may also apply). Managers and supervisors that are not MEA members can participate in the Emerging City Leaders program, focused on leadership and communication strategies.

I would love to attend, but I need to miss a part of a session. Is this OK?

No. Anyone applying to the program must be available to attend each session in its entirety. Attending meetings, other trainings, or taking vacations are considered unexcused absences and participants may be asked to leave the program for this type of absence. Nominees must consider whether they will be able to commit to attending all sessions before applying. Due to the interactive structure of the program and the limited number of spaces, we need to be strict about these guidelines to be fair to all nominees.